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Live Love Ministries is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All of our US based missionaries are support raising missionaries endorsed by the North American Mission Board. Our vision is that every community in which we serve would have consistent access to the good news of Jesus. All of our ministry efforts are to see that vision become a reality.

Our Core Beliefs
Gospel Urgency
Repentance and faith in the gospel is the only way of salvation. Through the gospel, God draws people to himself and transforms them to be like Christ.
Make Disciples
As followers of Christ we are commissioned to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." Matt. 28:19.
God's Glory
We exist for God’s glory. We seek to magnify His glory by trusting Him to provide for our needs through prayer and by remaining faithful to His Word.
Our Statement of Faith
We affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as our statement of faith and operate within its bounds.

We serve primarily on the Tohono O'Odham Nation and the Gila River Indian Community in Southern Arizona. The T.O. Nation is spread across approximately 2.7 million acres and encompasses a land mass larger than the state of Connecticut. The Gila River Indian Community is approximately 300,000 acres.

In addition to working on the reservation, we also minster to refugees in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Majority of the refugees we serve originally come from sub-Saharan Africa.

We also serve in the country of Malawi in Southern Africa. We have a Christian School for grades K-8 in the capital city of Lilongwe and we have an ongoing ministry center in Dzaleka refugee camp.

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